Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wk 1 Day 7: Turn Signals

From that time many of His disciple turned back and no longer followed Him. John 6: 66.

Lord help me to not make any area of my life off limits to you nor to allow anything to make me turn from you. Help me to see the signs of thing that will steer me off the path of growing closer to you. Help me to surrender my time, my will, and my behavior to you. Help me to always realize that even when I'm doing  spiritual activities I still may not be truly following you and turn me around.

WK1 - Day 6: Lukewarm

I know your deeds, that they are neither colds nor hot. I wish that you were either one or the other! So because you are lukewarm- neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
Revelations 3:14-16

Many of my daily habits do nothing to heat up my relationship with Jesus. Some things are good like listening to spiritual programs or music and watching sermons online. But having a more structured prayer  routine and a faithful meditation practice would help. Television and internet are often things I give my time and if I reused that time on some other goals, it could heat up the relationship with my heavenly Father and spiritual lover.

WK1- Day 5: Casual to Committed

Is your relationship moving from casual to committed?

Admiration vs Devotion- I define admiration more like fondness and devotion equals committed.

My relationship with Jesus has been one of fondness.

What would your life look like as a totally committed follower?

  • I would give up security for the opportunity to grow my faith muscle
  • I would give without a fear of lack or not receiving recompense. 
  • I would forgive more easily and judge less
  • I would trust when I don't have the answers
Imagine Jesus praying over you: [Wow!]

Father, bless your daughter, Ebony, and bring her to a better understanding and a deeper more intimate relationship with you. Forgive her shortcomings, but continue to reveal them so she can learn and grow. Help her to know you like I know you. Amen. 

Wk 1- Day 4: Give up Everything

Any of you who doesn't give up everything he has cannot be my disciple. Luke 14:33

My security and independence is what I have to give up to be a true disciple.

I used to have idols like relationships, marriage, and acceptance before Jesus. When I gave up those things I thought I was fully devoted, but I replaced those with comfort, security and independence. I got rid of external things and replaced them with internal things. Those things alone aren't bad so it took me a while to notice, but I see now that those things and 'me' are what I put before following Jesus fully.

I know these things can't compare to the peace that comes from following Jesus' way. Yet they are things I've held on to reduce turmoil. I can't say its been fully effective.

WK1- Day 3: One and Only Love

Is Jesus your one and only?

Sadly, I haven't treated Jesus like a lover at all lately.

But the lyrics to this CeCe Winans song came to mind; 'Jesus You're Beautiful'.

I see the beauty of Jesus' life and I'm curious how he managed to make the choices he did and walk the path he did. I want to know the 'how' so I can apply that and follow.

The Lord your God is with you. He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17

Lord, not only have I not treated you like a lover, but I haven't felt like someone you'd delight in nor someone you'd want to sing a song to.  Allow me to sense and feel this Love from you that wholly trust is there.

Jesus You're Beautiful - Cece Winans

WK1 - Day 2: Interference

Are you willing to have Jesus interfere?

In theory, I don't have a problem with Jesus interfering in my day. Mainly because I feel my days are pretty meaningless right now. In fact, I wish he would interfere. I do look for Jesus in my day. I know he can work wherever I am so I am watching for him to show. I allow opportunities for Jesus to disrupt my plans but mainly because I don't have a plan right now. Will revisit this question when I have an agenda.

WK1- Day 1: DTR: define the relationship

Luke 9:23 - If anyone would come after me he must deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me.

DTR: define the relationship

I'm definitely a fan. I was listening to a pastor comment on various types of sports fans and I realized I'm not even that great a fan. I'm not even the 'at the game every time they play' fan. I'm beyond a spectator and I'm not with Jesus just for the miracles; I already believe. But I am still the fan that can be distracted by other things, I just always come back.

When I think of the command to 'take up his cross daily', I cringe. I was watching the story of Jesus on GMC the other day, and I watched his life from the beginning of his ministry all the way through the end. I saw Jesus carry his cross, and knowing the rest of the story I am not sure what he has that made him able to do it.  To be fully aware of betrayal, and that the ones he chose would abandon him, and to recognize up front the pain of being crucified and to still be able to pick up his cross and walk anyway. I don't even want to do that once, much less daily. To willingly agree to walk through pain, mocking, betrayal and abandonment daily is a scary and undesirable thought. This willingness, however, is the difference between me and a follower. To be courageous and willing to do this, like Jesus, trusting that it was his Father's will and the best way takes incredible faith, love, surrender and more.

I was able to find the faith to accept Jesus as my savior, but I have to find an even deeper faith to be open and obedient to walk the path of the cross on a daily basis if necessary.

No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draw him. John 4:44

Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord to the cross...

Father draw me toward having a mindset like Jesus, one of service and surrender that would allow me to follow the path of the cross on a constant basis. I want to come to that spiritual place where Jesus was and I need you to draw me.